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Tyre Swings

Discover the Magic of Upcycled Adventure - Unique Tyre Swings

Transform your garden into a wonderland of fun with our range of tyre swings. Perfect for children who love outdoor play, these swings offer endless hours of fun in your own backyard, local park, or nursery setting. Our collection features various designs, from classic single-point swings to innovative multi-point options, ensuring a perfect match for every child's unique preferences.

Do-It-Yourself Tyre Swing Kits

Ready for a fun DIY project? Our tyre swings come ready for installation. Whether you fancy hanging it from a sturdy tree or constructing a dedicated swing frame, we provide all the essentials for a hassle-free setup.

Swing into more fun! Discover the entire range of our Swing Set Collection for endless backyard adventures here.

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If you were lucky, your childhood was filled with fond memories of playing on tyre swings. Those times spent outside on a beautiful day without a care in the world were some of the best. Now that you’re older, you can pay it forward for your children and loved ones, and show them how much fun a tyre swing can be.

Why Are Tyre Swings So Popular?

Tyre swings have been delighting children throughout the world for centuries. Cultures throughout the world each had their own variation. There’s evidence of swings being used as far back as 770 B.C. in China, and it’s possible children were enjoying swings even earlier than this in parts of the world.

In particular, tyre swings are exceptionally simple to make, require only a few components, and can be hung from practically any sturdy tree. As for their popularity, it’s easy to see why they’re so loved. Tyre swings are exhilarating, exciting, and can provide hours of fun.

Perhaps best of all, tyre swings are the perfect way to get kids up, active, and outside enjoying their surroundings. With more screens than ever clamouring for your children’s attention, a tyre swing is a perfect respite from television, videos, and social media.  

Benefits of Installing a Tyre Swing

When it comes to a tyre swing, Australia is perhaps the perfect place to install one, thanks to our mild weather and abundance of healthy trees. Here are a few of the many benefits you can enjoy when installing a tyre swing in your yard.  

  • Inexpensive

Tyre swings are perhaps the most affordable piece of playground equipment you can install in your yard. Even top-of-the-line models that are built to last for decades are still relatively inexpensive.

  • Gets Kids Active

There are more things than ever vying for the attention of our children, including shows, devices, and video games. In other words, there are more reasons than ever to stay inside parked in front of the TV or tablet.

A tyre swing is a great way to encourage your kids to get outside and be active. Not only will your kids get a workout, but they’ll also be exercising their mind and imagination, which is a much better alternative to being a couch potato.  

  • Easy to Install

Installing a tyre swing is usually very easy, and you’ll only need a few simple tools to complete the installation. All of the hardware and components you’ll need will be included with your swing, and installing it will take most people less than an hour with no extra help.

  • Hours of Fun 

Everybody can look back on their childhood and remember fond memories of enjoying playground toys. Installing a tyre swing in your yard gives your kids the same opportunity to swing and play to their heart’s content.

Types of Tyre Swings

Tyre swings fall into one of two categories: classic or non-traditional.

Classic Tyre Swings

Classic swings are timeless, durable, and perfect for leaving up all year. You can purchase a classic tyre swing, or make one from a used tyre. Since these swings are made from rugged rubber, they stand up to use the best and can be used by multiple kids at once, if the tyre is large enough.

Non-Traditional Tyre Swings

Over the years, companies have developed a variety of different tyre swing styles. Some non-traditional swings come in unique shapes and colours that look fun and inviting, while others feature material around the centre hole to protect kids from falling through the centre hole.

These tyre swings are typically lightweight and made from less heavy-duty materials, making them easier to install, take down, or move to a new area. Since these swings aren’t as heavy-duty as ones made from a real tyre, they won't last quite as long as a traditional tyre swing.  

Tyre Swing Tips

Before you install your new tyre swings, there are some tips and tricks you’ll want to follow to ensure that everyone is having fun and staying safe.

  • Choose a Strong Tree

Mounting a tyre swing isn’t as simple as attaching the swing to the nearest tree. Some species aren’t a good match for tyre swings and don’t provide the strength necessary to support activity. Sycamore, beech, oak, and maple all make great choices for a tyre swing. Species like cherry, ash, and cedar are also a reliable choice if the tree is sturdy and in good condition.

Avoid mounting a tyre swing to a willow, poplar, birch, or pine tree. These trees' wood is less dense and more prone to breakage or damage, which can present a severe hazard for your kids.

You’ll also want to inspect the tree for any signs of damage or decay. Look for bulges, cracks, rot, fungus, and other characteristics that may indicate that a particular branch, or even the entire tree, is a poor choice for use with a tyre swing.  

  • Check the Ground

After you’ve found a spot to mount your tyre swing that seems suitable, you’ll also want to examine the ground to ensure that there are no hazards around. The ground should be flat, and preferable either grass or dirt. Avoid spots where the ground is made up of tangled roots, concrete, or asphalt, or if it’s particularly uneven. 

  • Check the Swing Regularly 

Your tyre swing should require practically no maintenance throughout its life, but you’ll want to inspect the swing regularly to ensure that it’s in good working order and that there are no hazards present.

Check the swing itself and the rope or chain to ensure that they’re in good condition, and ensure that all hardware is properly secured. If the weather is harsh in the winters, consider removing the swing and storing it indoors to prolong its lifetime.  

  • Provide Supervision

Parents and guardians should provide ample supervision whenever children play outside, especially when using playground equipment such as a tyre swing. Tyre swings are generally very safe and an excellent opportunity for fun outdoors. But, accidents do happen, and you’ll want to keep a watchful eye on the little ones when they’re playing on the swing. 

Final Thoughts

Installing a tyre swing in your yard is a fun and economical way to get your children out of the house and playing outside. Not only are they affordable and easy to install, but they also provide great exercise and hours of enjoyment for children and adults alike. Consider giving your family the gift of a tyre swing for hours of healthy family fun!